Thursday, July 3, 2014

part two-lio, foolio.

good news. more wedding pics! plus this one above is definitely one of my very favorites.

these ones are from after we came out of the temple and all our family and friends were there to meet us and celebrate with us. It was SUCH a fun and happy experience and I just loved having everyone there with us. I was so lucky to have so many friends and family there who had traveled long distance (California! New York! South Carolina! Missouri! New Mexico! Nevada! New Zealand! And beyond!) Both Levi and I just felt so blessed that day and so so happy that our wedding day had finally arrived. We waited a long time for this day. I still remember when I first set up a countdown app on my phone and there was 187 days on it. I thought for sure I would die before the day ever came.

But somehow we made it. And everything came together and was just the loveliest. All the details came together with the help of so many friends and family and we were just able to enjoy the day. And there are SO many pictures I love from this day! So that's why we now have part 2 of this big fat series of wedding posts.

But before I get to that, I've just been thinking this morning about how much I appreciate having Levi in my life. You're probably getting tired of hearing about this, but unfortunately I'm not tired of talking about it, so here you go: Levi. Teach for America takes forevvvvver and is ridiculously draining for him. I know they have really good intentions but sometimes I think they're going a little overboard. I mean, 6:30 am-8:30 pm seems just a little excessive. I still think it's a really great program, so what I'm trying to get at is I'm really proud of Levi for sticking with it. And then coming home and being with me and genuinely appreciating that part of the day and for spending time with me and not just passing out like he totally deserves to. He's also so on top of things and so responsible so that he doesn't have to do lesson planning when he's at home if he can at all help it--and if he does have to do stuff at home, we do it together and it's actually kind of fun (you should see the really beautiful chart I made for the class--super proud of it.)

Anyway, Levi gets tomorrow off (wooooooooooo!) and then he only has two more weeks of summer institute training and then we get to move into our new apartment and Levi gets to start working with the actual school he will be working at and we'll FINALLY get all of our stuff and can settle in and it will be glorious. (Turns out eating spaghetti 43 days in a row isn't so good for the digestive system. I want my dishes so I can make real food!) We really like it here in OKC but we're definitely ready to settle down in our recently acquired apartment down in Moore. And before anyone freaks out, yes I know. That's where the tornado was last year and yes I know. There were two conference talks about it and yes I know. The ward we'll be in is the ward that was hit by the tornado and yes I know. There were other places to live and yes I know it all. But what you don't know is that the missionaries literally live in the building right next to us as in WE'RE NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS and another set of missionaries live just across the golf course and I'm not saying anything but I am saying that I feel like living next to the missionaries is a really good choice when you're dealing with tornados. BAM, winning.

But all jokes aside, don't worry we'll be safe.

Anyway, you're all here for the pictures, so here you go!

also these next three pictures are hilarious to me for some reason. It's like Levi and his dad are both confused and then they're like, oh hey! hugs!

seriously, such a great day.

and again, photos by the lovely Lindsey Orton!


Mrs. H said...

Stacy!!! These are too darling! I'm so happy you guys got a place, and I'm so glad you'll be safe!!! ha. Love you!

Jessica said...

These look so great. I'm loving looking at your blog and getting to know you and Levi better before moving there too. I'm glad you're scoping OKC out, I'll be asking you so many questions, just a heads up :)

Unknown said...

Ummm... I hope you noticed that my eyes were closed on that first picture of just your direct family (only sibs and parents). Either Lindsey needs to photoshop that, or we'll have to go back to the temple to take that picture again! Haha.