Monday, April 1, 2013

so much happy.

Today is seriously one of my favorite days of the year. It's Opening Day, ladies and gentlemen.  And to me that means over the course of the next six months, there is always something to be happy about. Because rain or shine, win or lose, the Red Sox are playing baseball and there isn't much better than that.

Although I really hope we don't have much of the losing part.

And even though they break my heart way too much, this girl will always be a fan.  And may today's 8-2 win over the Yankees be the sign of good things to come.

Maybe even a 7 month season?


Mom said...

Definitely a sign of good things to come:)!!! How did a west coast girl become a Red Sox fan anyway?

bholmes said...

Sorry the Sox arent going anywhere this season. Neither are the Yankees