Monday, January 23, 2012

the razor riders hit the big screen.

Real life conversation via text:

Stacy: Hey, so not that I'm a creative genius or anything, but can we please make a scootering video this weekend? How awesome would that be?
Danielle: Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes

Awesome...but then, of course, I forgot to iron out a few details (aka who would film the vid and where I would get a scooter from since my main rental source Jon Doxey had moved).  Fortunately, Danielle has connections to our main man Dillean Dillon who when asked if he was good at filming people scootering said, "Is that even a question?"

Then Jon Doxey was contacted and he was such a swell guy that he agreed to take his lunch break right then (which, by the way, it was 2:30 pm, so homeboy really needed to take that break).  He met Danielle at his apartment and then proceeded to GIVE her the scooter to give to ME for KEEPS!  Forever and ever, amen!  A purple scooter!  Mine!  Such an awesome gift!

So then, the important parts of picking out awesome outfits (neat tights, Doc!) and the less important part of showering took place and then we were ready to go!  We were super lucky we did it on that day because it was totes the last day before the snow came and everything was covered in slushy rain/snow nastiness.We headed up to the canyon to this awesome little place that had a nice scooter-appropriate path and the sun was perfect and Dillean is a creative genius and we are professional actresses and it was so fun!  When we got back, Dillean did all the work and threw the vid together in like an hour and all we had to do was make him dinner (using mostly his food, but still).  That's my kind of business deal.

And now, please sit back and enjoy this totally legit video about scootering and then tell me about how you can no longer resist the need to buy a razor scooter.  I totally understand.


Casey and Jessica said...

ooo, tight turns and no hands!! you guys are pros.

Beka said...

Dillon and Jon are great. love this!

Lena said...

You are right Stacy, the video does make scootering look fun. Cute video.