Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gupta, Gurkin, Maybe, Tie, Dye, Obama, Bush, Lucy, Kennedy, and More. (We're not very responsible pet owners, to say the least)

*Disclaimer: I'm still going to be here for a while, no worries.  I just got to thinking and this post was inspired.

*Also, featured throughout are a small (and I mean small) sampling of pictures from my freshman year.  I would get some from my other years, but just looking at my freshman pictures took me over an hour because I wanted to look at them all, so I figure this is good enough for now.

I kind of just had the coolest little experience.

Today while I was sitting on the couch, there was a knock at the door.  I opened it, and there stood four girls.  They told me that they had lived in this apartment 5 or 6 years ago and they were wondering if they could just come and take a look around.

I let them come in and look around and they just went on and on about how much they missed it here, and "don't you just miss being a college kid...those were the days."  One of them told me how she kissed her husband for the first time on our back porch and another talked of how a poster we have hanging was there when they lived there and how they did this and that and "remember how we could see Timp from here" and "I never had more fun than when I lived here".

After they left, it got me thinking about how much I love living here in Provo.  Yeah, some people hate it and some cannot wait until they can get out of here, but I'm being completely serious when I say that I wish I could freeze time and be this age forever.  I wish I could live all these college years over again, because they have seriously been so awesome.  It's crazy how life just keeps moving forward and you have these roommates and then you become best friends and then those best friends/roommates get engaged and married and I'm sitting here wondering how all that time just flew by.  I mean seriously, I cannot believe it's been nearly three years since I first moved here and met my five freshman roommates.  I cannot believe that I'll be marrying off my last one (yes, that's right--they're my children) on June 30.  I cannot believe our fish funerals were so long ago, or the Single Ladies video or the time Moroni came to visit or when we did our exercises before watching 24 or when we discovered the air condition at Lib Square or when we had that lame waiter at Spark or the collection of quote boards are just memories of the past.

It is so weird to me and it makes me a little sad.  I mean, I knowing moving on is cool and stuff, but seriously.  These have been the best years of my life.  I've had the time of my life.  I've never learned so much or grown so much or seen so much or aspired to be as much as I have here.  I've never laughed so hard, been so ridiculous, or taken as many pictures as I have here.  Here.  It's the best and I hope I make the rest of my time here absolutely unforgettable because seriously, I'll never regret it.

[caption id="attachment_868" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="{and of course, the best picture of the year}"][/caption]

...too much love.


Mom said...

Yes, college really is a uniquely "special" time of life. So glad you are appreciating it while you are there:)!!

Keisha said...

dude, i love this!! too many good times :)

Stace-Face « The Alfords said...

[...] not because she writes hilariously funny posts, remembers the funny details that I never can, summarizes freshman year so nicely, or makes awesome videos of fun nights, but mainly because I have a huge section all about me! Ha, [...]