So, maybe you already know that sometimes I just always really want to live in Boston.
Today I decided that if you want, I'd be quite alright with living in DC.
And if those decisions weren't important enough to warrant a blog post, I'll let you know something else: feel free to buy me a polaroid camera. and red leather boots.
And you complain about the chilly weather in Provo...???
I will give you my polaroid camera. I wanted it for our wedding (my brother ended up taking pictures and making them look like old polaroids) but the film is expensive and hard to find. i bought some film and it wasn't the right kind (though i ordered the right kind) and it was expired. sorry to rain on your parade. but really, you can have mine.
$20 for 8 photos
thats funny. i basically want to go to grad school in boston. we could be twinners in boston together! also i have red leather boots. ive never worn them because they scare me and i always chicken out. you can have them haha too bad i have clown feet!
Man, why do you guys have everything I want? Rude.
Skankey, why must it be so expensive?
Fatty, why must you be so huge in every way?
Double double rude rude.
i think you should always check with us first with this kind of stuff.
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