Tuesday, March 26, 2013
college is cool.
My parents and my little brothers are currently out of the country for spring break (Oh the woes of BYU not having a spring break!). Because of this, my little brother--who was accepted to BYU in the fall--asked me to sign up for housing for him. BYU does this thing where they assign you a date and time for when you are allowed to go onto the housing site and pick the apartment you live in and have a little idea of the foolz you are going to be living with (i.e. you get to know what type of music they like, what time they go to bed, and whether or not they are tidy. I put that Tom is tidy because I want other tidy people to live with him and then maybe he'll be tidier? And maybe the apartment will stay cleaner? Is that wishful thinking?) Anyway, Tom's assigned time was today at 3 pm, so I made sure to get on that right at 3 pm. It turns out I'm a crazy person because I think I LITERALLY changed his room ten times before I settled on one that I thought had decent roommates. But ask me again tomorrow and I probably will have changed it another ten times. Sheesh.
The reason I'm saying this though is because holy cow, college. I remember when I was young my mom would talk about how college would make up some of the best and most fun years of my life and I will tell you what. Homegirl was right. College is just the greatest. For one, I've made about a million friends (no exaggeration, zero, none, nope, totally honest and I have a straight face when I say that). Plus, in college you just do fun things. Freshman year it was mostly fun dumb things, but still.
And second, I've just learned soooooo so so so one million much while here in my five--yes, FIVE--years of college. I look at the world and the responsibilities that I have very differently than I did when I was graduating from high school. I don't regret taking a single class (except that online health class that I actually didn't need to take and that makes me angry every time I look at my grades...) and I know that I've become a more intelligent, contributing member of society because of all of the other classes (even if it is true that I still refuse to sniff dairy products).
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm really excited for my little brother to come to college. I can't wait to see him become a full-fledged adult doing adult things and making adult decisions, but also having regular-style cray to the cray cray fun. But Tom, please be responsible. That means that maybe you should try to avoid any situation that might lead to you shaving your legs (like your older brother) and do us all a favor and remember to eat your vegetables.
So to anyone that is going to be starting college soon or who is currently in college, I just want to remind you to appreciate it. I read a quote by a BYU alum once and it said, "Appreciate your time here because it is too soon gone." And that is seriously the saddest truth. These past five years have FLOWN by and I don't even know how it happened. You'll be sitting in class your freshman year still studying your planner trying to figure out where your next class is and then the next thing you know, you're ordering a cap and gown and it's over. So just take time to appreciate where you are right now. Don't be thinking too much about the next step and where you need to be going next year and what you'll do as soon as you're done here. Just appreciate where you are.
These are some good times, my friends. Some seriously good times. And you don't get these years back. Once you're done, you're done. So make the most of it. Do dumb things. Make new friends. Get outside of your comfort zone. Take the classes you really want to even if they're not for your major or may not seem particularly valuable. Try new foods. Befriend professors. Visit every building on campus. Study somewhere new in the library. Go on adventures. Be spontaneous. Join a club. Start a club. Don't stop searching for a major until you find something you're passionate about. Make the most of your situation, even if you're broke and all you have to eat is saltines (that's a real story from the life of me, folks). Smile more. Serve more. Love more. Enjoy more.
You won't regret it.
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What a great post about the joy of college. I had two kids go to BYU and some of those computer deadlines /appts. fall at crazy times! You've captured the pure joy you feel at this time of your life. Love those last four sentences.
Stace (I'm calling you that now!) It is so true. Time flies. I teach 8th graders and I tell them all the time, before you know it you will be graduating. I love your rendition of college because, it can, be the greatest time of your life! Take advantage of every minute! Now you are ready for the next adventure...life (eek!)
I read this and cried. So true.
Absolutely perfectly put :) You, my dear, are one of my wonderful college finds and I don't regret any time with you at all... expect for maybe that time when you put all my money in the top cupboard in the kitchen...
Glad to hear that this "home girl" was right...and that you remember all these years later what I said:)
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