Thursday, March 29, 2012

level stick.

A few weekends ago, my homeboy of a little brother came to visit.  In typical Thomas fashion, the first thing he did when he saw me was pretend he didn't know me.

The weekend consisted of going to chemistry classes, watching magic shows, shortening words as much as possible, winning free stuff, going on a campus tour (I've always wanted to do that!) courtesy of Rachy Rach (who did an excellent job of telling us all the random facts about BYU), eating good food, taking naps, eating more food, watching random youtube videos, eating even more food, scootering!, making cookies (or mostly just eating the cookie dough...), bowling (we got the date night deal!), text twist, hanging out on campus, getting free stuff (mostly for Tom--what the heck?!), going to computer science classes (I heard those were supes confusing), and eating more good food.

That kid kills me.  I'm telling you, when he goes to college all the ladies will be loving him because seriously, kid is hilarious.  Bonus feature, I think he is more mature than the average 17-year-old, so he has that going for him, too.  I was so glad he got to visit and that we got to have some good talks about life and college and the future and how awesome life is.

Love that kid.

side note: this next picture was taken before we realized that there was something on my camera lens, hence the "soft light" look.

Oh, and by the way, the coolest brothers buy you your favorite doughnuts when you come home to visit.  I mean seriously, homeboy got like 473289034 sparkle points for that one.

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