Saturday, September 3, 2011

Good Life.

Hey, who here was tired of hearing about my family reunion?  No one?  Perfect.  Because i have a little surprise for all of you.

A veeedio!

So go get your popcorn and your twizzlers and settle in for the best 4 minutes and 13 seconds of your life.



Nicole Waxman said...

Just when you think the LeCheminants are that awesome...the become more awesome...why are you guys so awesome?

Lena said...

You make me smile Stacy. How come I was totally unaware you were video taping throughout the reunion?

rachalford said...

Wow, this is probably your most artsy video I've ever seen. My favorite artsy parts were when you guys were playing billiards. Also, I cannot fail to mention how fabulous Jacob's dancing is on the beach. Love it!

Jessica said...

cute buns

Keisha said...

i now see where stace picked up her fabulous music moves. Jacob is the real talent holder. :)

Mom said...

Wow! Good times and great memories. Thanks for putting your "artistic" skills to work and giving us something to remember the fun! Simply amazing, you be! :)